TI wisunfantund

I’m trying to get wi-sun to work on the BeaglePlay board with ti wisunfantund. I’ve followed the directions from this TI forum post, but I am running into issues. The border router seems to be working fine, however, the router node is not. When I try to enable the stack (after enabling the interface) on the node I get the following error:

set failed with error 15335425. NCP-Specific errorcode
Error 15335425 (0xEA001)

I’ve already posted to the TI forum but I figured I’d ask here. Thanks in advance for any help.

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Check this forum post for the fix: CC1352P7: ti-wisunfantund wi-sun networking on BeaglePlay board - Sub-1 GHz forum - Sub-1 GHz - TI E2E support forums

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