Trying to get a QT version >= 4.7 toolchain !!?

As from a long time the is down so I’m accessing it using the web-archive thing ,heres the link >> but I’m not able to download any of the 4.7 versions ,although I have 4.6.3 already installed, working and tested completely but I need versions atleast 4.7 and above! because of some dependency I’m experiencing that is cleared up from 4.7 qte and above toolchains.

can anybody guide me if and how I can make a qt toolchain of my own for the x86_64 bit, armv7a ? I have gone through all the links that I encounter on how to compile the version of qt but all of them were like using the 4.6.3 which I don’t know why?

Hi Anybody?

I’m following this link from TI folks >> and I’m not sure about the ./configure part , I mean about the parameters that I have to get correct in the command so that my programs get compiled for the beaglebone black!

Any suggestions on that?