I want to transfer data from a Qt application in one PC, to the Qt application integrated in the flashed yocto linux image in the SD card in the BeagleBone Black board via RS485. This Qt application will be launched on booting the BBB.
I understand that there are multiple UARTs available for BBB. I want to know if all of these pins for UART are already enabled or not.
If not, how to enable those pins for doing serial communication.
I found this BB-UART4-00A0.dtbo file in the boot partition of my SD card.
// magic: 0xd00dfeed
// totalsize: 0x3f9 (1017)
// off_dt_struct: 0x38
// off_dt_strings: 0x370
// off_mem_rsvmap: 0x28
// version: 17
// last_comp_version: 16
// boot_cpuid_phys: 0x0
// size_dt_strings: 0x89
// size_dt_struct: 0x338
/ {
fragment@0 {
target-path = "/chosen";
__overlay__ {
overlays {
BB-UART4-00A0.kernel = "Wed Apr 10 10:44:18 2024";
fragment@1 {
target = <0xffffffff>;
__overlay__ {
P9_13_pinmux {
status = "disabled";
P9_11_pinmux {
status = "disabled";
fragment@2 {
target = <0xffffffff>;
__overlay__ {
pinmux_bb_uart4_pins {
pinctrl-single,pins = <0x00000074 0x0000000e 0x00000070 0x0000002e>;
phandle = <0x00000001>;
fragment@3 {
target = <0xffffffff>;
__overlay__ {
status = "okay";
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <0x00000001>;
__symbols__ {
bb_uart4_pins = "/fragment@2/__overlay__/pinmux_bb_uart4_pins";
__fixups__ {
ocp = "/fragment@1:target:0";
am33xx_pinmux = "/fragment@2:target:0";
uart4 = "/fragment@3:target:0";
__local_fixups__ {
fragment@3 {
__overlay__ {
pinctrl-0 = <0x00000000>;