Ultra Librarian and Testing for Future Builds...

Hey There,

I have been searching the Ultra Librarian docs and online website for specifics, i.e. chips and so on…

Anyway, I found a reference to the BBB and BBAI-64. I downloaded the files but I could not find the files for the BeagleY-AI. I put in a request but outside of them, who else would I ask now?

Is it up to the Ultra Librarian people or beagleboard.org people? I am just not sure as of now who is responsible for porting a build to the Ultra Librarian online docs.


P.S. If you are having a difficult time looking for specific CAD files online at Ultra Librarian for beagleboard.org boards, we are in the same boat here. It was there and listed and then gone before I could get everything I wanted…

Also…I figured for eye-Candy, I could post a video of a 3D Printer making waves. I built the NEMA17 bracket for testing a stepper motor with the BeagleY-AI. I am waiting on parts so far!

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Just some random photos of testing… No faking here. I am in it to do things.

As soon as the parts arrive, testing will reconvene.

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