I am Revisiting the BeagleBone Black I haven’t used it in a long time. When I wrote python code I used the Adafruit _BBIO Library. .
Is it still good to use this even though it is not supported anymore.?
Do you still have to use python2 for the i2c bus ?
I was wondering what are some other GPIO Python libraries that people use. Any recommendations?
Not sure about this but is Micropython a possibility. I don not want to use circuit python as I have not like it as much as others mentioned.
I have not personally tested this lib. yet but I hope to try it once I have no other options outside of pure Linux or Linux-languages, e.g. which I am completely terrible at for now.
Sorry, Python is not my prefered programming language. And asynchronous code isn’t my prefered technique, since I loose control over the exact timing. I prefer to poll for an event, it’s much faster than an interrupt with all its overhead.
Anyhow, you can find an example for handling an event in function Pruio::mm_start(). It waits for the end of the ADC sequence by waiting for /dev/uio5 event. The interupt settings are in member structure Pruio::IntInit. In the example trigger.bas this function gets called synchonously, but when you call it in a thread you’ll end up with asynchonously event handling.