I have a problem about the beaglebone black wireless. Then I want to debug it. I cannot see a JTAG port. But there is a serial port for debug. I wonder that error codes from serial debug port is the same with error codes or logs returned to ssh terminal through Micro USB port ? If both debian terminal through micro USB and serial debug port return the same error codes, It would not useful for me. I have expected that serial debug port gives something detailed error codes or logs. JTAG would be great to debug codes. Can I debug codes on the Code Composer Studio through serial debug port line by line? Otherwise, I don’t think I can find the problem without debugging codes line by line.
Thank you.
JTAG on the BeagleBone Black Wireless, requires you to solder a 20-pin
CTI header on the back of the board.
Dear Robert,
Do I take only TCK, TMS, TDI, TDO, TRST, VCC and GND ? Or will I solder directly a 20-pin header ? I need also an JTAG-to-USB emulator, Right? and also its driver. I have a problem about the wifi. I have a stable mesh networking with 4-nodes. After joining the 5. node, network will become unstable and collapse. I try to debug this error. Is it feasible such a debug in code composer studio?
Thank you.
Smells like the wl18xx radio ran out of memory...
JTAG on the am335x isn't really going to help you debug that..
Dear Robert,
I dont understand how TI tested this wl18xx chip by built a mesh with 32-nodes. It even fails immediately when I add 5.node into mesh. How can I increase the node number? any suggestion? Maybe should I decrease the memory usage per one peer in the wl18xx chip? I work with typical 802.11s mesh networking standard.
Thank you so much.
Dear lazarman,
It is not easy to find a real mesh guru. But I am not sure TI wl18xx chip has a huge internal RAM. Did you use an external RAM maybe? In fact, did you really use TI wl18xx chipset? Because this chipset probably has a low internal memory.How many nodes did you have in your gas-meters mesh network? Why cannot I set up an mesh network greater than 4-nodes with Beaglebone Black Wireless? I am not sure whether I debug BBBW through JTAG. It may not lead to a useful result.
Thank you.