what is the difference between omap image builder and github.com/beagleboard/image-builder

Two questions

  1. What is the difference between omap image builder and GitHub - beagleboard/image-builder: Image builder in creating BBB images?

  2. Is there a step by step guide as to how to create custom BBB image? Many references I find are out of date. Plus the omap image builder has no guide, I do not know where to start.


They are the same…

Building is a 2 step process, run a specific config file and then build for your device… see here for hints omap-image-builder/Ubuntu_22.04.md at master · RobertCNelson/omap-image-builder · GitHub

Thank you. I saw that but judging from the name Ubuntu 22.04 I thought it was going to boot Ubuntu on the BBB. Ubuntu runs on Debian is that why it is called that or is the omap script meant to run on an Ubuntu host? Questions like that are why I need a tutorial or some such. I would love to attend a seminar or class by you guys.

Question 2: how do I change the version of Debian like to 11.8 and

3: how do I change the version of Linux

4: how would I add services, assuming I started with a minimal Debian

The ubuntu one is just a quick hint…

For Debian 11.x and 12.x options and more, look at al the example configs:

The images listed here:

  • Minimal Snapshot → bb.org-debian-bullseye-minimal-v5.10-ti-armhf.conf
  • IOT Snapshot → bb.org-debian-bullseye-iot-v5.10-ti-armhf.conf
  • Xfce Desktop Snapshot → bb.org-debian-bullseye-xfce-v5.10-ti-armhf.conf

This generates a basic rootfs, for finalization for the BBB, i run:

sudo ./setup_sdcard.sh --img-${filesize} am335x-${export_filename} --dtb beaglebone --distro-bootloader --enable-cape-universal --enable-uboot-disable-pru --enable-bypass-bootup-scripts


So looking at: omap-image-builder/configs/bb.org-debian-bullseye-minimal-v5.10-ti-armhf.conf at master · RobertCNelson/omap-image-builder · GitHub

I’ve got this hard-wired for v5.10.x-ti:

	bbb.io-kernel-5.10-ti	\

If you want to change it… here are all my optional channel you could choose:

along with almost any kernel you want…


if you want to provide your own kernel, you can use openbeagle.org’s ci to generate a apt feed:


or anything else… Really just need a linux-image*.deb file for your target…


However you want, most unique services in Debian are easy to enable, i have my own perfered list of options for BeagleBoard.org default images:


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