what is the difference between omap image builder and github.com/beagleboard/image-builder

The ubuntu one is just a quick hint…

For Debian 11.x and 12.x options and more, look at al the example configs:

The images listed here:

  • Minimal Snapshot → bb.org-debian-bullseye-minimal-v5.10-ti-armhf.conf
  • IOT Snapshot → bb.org-debian-bullseye-iot-v5.10-ti-armhf.conf
  • Xfce Desktop Snapshot → bb.org-debian-bullseye-xfce-v5.10-ti-armhf.conf

This generates a basic rootfs, for finalization for the BBB, i run:

sudo ./setup_sdcard.sh --img-${filesize} am335x-${export_filename} --dtb beaglebone --distro-bootloader --enable-cape-universal --enable-uboot-disable-pru --enable-bypass-bootup-scripts


So looking at: omap-image-builder/configs/bb.org-debian-bullseye-minimal-v5.10-ti-armhf.conf at master · RobertCNelson/omap-image-builder · GitHub

I’ve got this hard-wired for v5.10.x-ti:

	bbb.io-kernel-5.10-ti	\

If you want to change it… here are all my optional channel you could choose:

along with almost any kernel you want…


if you want to provide your own kernel, you can use openbeagle.org’s ci to generate a apt feed:


or anything else… Really just need a linux-image*.deb file for your target…


However you want, most unique services in Debian are easy to enable, i have my own perfered list of options for BeagleBoard.org default images:


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