Where is BBAI64 Linux 5.10.120-ti-arm64-r63 that came preloaded?

I’ve just received my BBAI64 preloaded with r63. Then I flashed the latest image and it’s r49 from way back in May of 2022. Where can I go to find the newest image? Or should I simply get the kernel source and build it myself?

Hi @kendalla,

Just tagged, 5.10.153-ti-arm64-r86 a few hours ago: Commits · ti-linux-arm64-5.10.y · Robert Nelson / ti-linux-kernel-dev · GitLab

Once it’s done, it’ll move to stable…

But right now, the stable package feed will auto-upgrade to 5.10.153-ti-arm64-r85 bbb.io-kernel/suite/bullseye/debian/control · main · BeagleBoard.org / repos-arm64 · GitLab

For source, you can get the current version via; Files · 5.10-arm64 · BeagleBoard.org / Linux · GitLab

or via tag name: Files · 5.10.153-ti-arm64-r86 · BeagleBoard.org / Linux · GitLab or Files · 5.10.120-ti-arm64-r63 · BeagleBoard.org / Linux · GitLab

I’m planning on tagging 2023-01-02 as the next stable release in the forum: Index of /rootfs/bb.org/testing/2023-01-02
