Which firmware for Beagleboard Blue?

I bought beagleboard blue board some time ago, but never used. Now I have some time.
The firmware seems to be outdated, I have a couple of “not found” errors, on sudo apt update

I want to flash newest firmware, but I do not know which one I have to use. I do not find firmware version, specially named for Blue board.

About my board:

debian@beaglebone:~$ uname -a
Linux beaglebone 4.4.59-ti-r96 #1 SMP Tue Apr 4 17:39:20 UTC 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux
debian@beaglebone:~$ cat /etc/dogtag
BeagleBoard.org Debian Image 2017-04-09

Board’s Internet access I have (Wifi activated)

Many thanks in advance

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latest-images search on this forum will get the latest. But, I think there is an issue w/ the current images and the BBBlue working w/ the librobotcontrol lib if this is what you want.

  1. Debian 11.x (Bullseye) - Monthly Snapshot - 2023-10-07
  2. Debian 12.x (Bookworm) - Monthly Snapshot - 2023-10-07

Thank you! I will try this week, when I have time.

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