Why Use PocketBeagle over ESP32 or Other Connnected MCUs?

Hello Everyone, I’m completely new to Embedded Linux and the BeagleBoard community. I recently got my PocketBeagle and already love it!

I have some experience with IoT development with the ESP32, and I was curious how a PocketBeagle or even a BeagleBone Black can be used for IoT applications.

In addition, since there are many connected microcontrollers in the market such as the ESP32; what are some advantages of using the PocketBeagle and Embedded Linux for IoT applications?

Thanks and Best regards


Linux is a full-featured and rich filesystem and not just baremetal. People in general build libs to handle low level tasks w/ high resolution, e.g. like w/ AI and w/ AI mixed w/ Linux, there are many more opportunities to get things correct or completely wrong.

Specifically for me, learning about an entire file is more rewarding compared to just a bit of source.

I have been reading some books on Linux and they are complicated text at times w/ a rewarding can-do experience.

Outside of that idea or those few facts, the ecosystem of Linux is vast w/ tons of real life examples that one can use advantageously and as work. @M_Rafay_Shams , IoT development on Linux is way more profound. Every file is another route to something more interesting.


P.S. And when you think you are completely bored w/ what is thought of as fully knowledgeable in Linux, there is another route it will take. Linux will take a turn, sinuously, in many different file formats that incorporate all of it. It is a quite remarkable take on things. Specifically, BBB and other am335x supported boards all hold their value in peripherals, real-time task scheduling like w/ the PRUs, and then well. I can chat all day about stuff but only in generalized format, i.e. as I am still learning about all it has to offer.

I am not against bit shifting or Arduino like C but ANSI is full-featured and coding w/ a full language like Python3 w/ all of its constantly built upon libs. just seems to me liker a no brainer. For me, I like the trial and tribulations and then the constant building it has produced more and more recently…

1999 to 2023 with what seems like a large part of its base and future development has more recently been intrinsically built and developed and this also caught my eye and intrigue.

But yea, unlimited languages and on and on and on…

The ESP32 is more like the RPi Pico while the PocketBeagle corresponds to a full blown RPi (Raspberry Pi).

The big problem in the *Beagle* arena is simply the poor ecosystem.

ESP32 and RPI have much better ecosystems. I really hate the fact that the RPi’s are closed chips, but I simply can’t in good conscience direct a beginner into the Beagle ecosystem.

Another point is the updates of esp and rpi in terms of memory and cores.
In other hand and in my opinion, the beagles have a support for connectivity protocols - i2c, can, spi, i2c, uart, number of gpios available beside the PRU , and I didn’t see other sbc or dev board flexible like the beagles

Thank you for the replies. I guess my question is that what are the advantages of embedded linux over a traditional RTOS based MCU?

You’re a developer. Why did you buy a Pocket Beagle?

The Pocketbeagle seems like a fun, cost-effective linux based SBC. Therefore I got one to explore Embedded Linux and tinker around with it as a hobbyist.

As a comparatively more experienced bare metal and RTOS based developer, I wanted to explore Embedded Linux and see what is possible with it in the field of IoT.