WiFi on BeagleV-Fire


My understanding is that BeagleV-Fire is equipped with WiFi module according to Table 78 on

How can I enable/use WiFi? I’m unable to find the documentation so far.
Any information or pointers will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

BeagleV-Fire has one M.2 connector keyed for wireless module (connector key E). However, you need to get a wireless module separately.

Thanks for the info. I’ll look into more details.

Don’t get an AX210. I spent half a day trying to get it working with all module variations, firmwares and driver compiles, but to no avail.

That being said the M.2 gateware was 0.3.0, they might have fixed something that makes it work with 0.4.0… will test

can you please share a photo of the id number on the module? I’ve got a few of these…


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Got it working - cape gateware 0.3.0 was giving me the pain it seems. Noticed 0.4.0 was included in the image, flashed it and rebooted, and the wifi works!

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I recenly got the beagleV-Fire board and I am trying to setup a wifi connection. So, I
I flashed the latest image from Latest Software Images - BeagleBoard named beaglev-fire-ubuntu-23.04-20231121.zip but when I boot the new image I still see the gateware to be 0.3.0 :

$ uname -r
$ cat /proc/device-tree/chosen/overlays/DEFAULT-CAPE-GATEWARE

Is there a newer image than that listed in the distros url above or to upgrade the gateware I need to use a different image.
Thank you.

Hi @esmar

So you can update the image via:

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Then gateware can be updated via:

beagle@BeagleV:/usr/share/beagleboard/gateware$ ls
board-tests  change-gateware.sh  default  minimal  robotics  version.txt
beagle@BeagleV:/usr/share/beagleboard/gateware$ sudo ./change-gateware.sh default

(board will reboot)

Next update kernel image via:

wget https://beaglev-fire.beagleboard.io/BeagleV-Fire-ubuntu/get_kernel_update.sh
chmod +x ./get_kernel_update.sh
sudo ./get_kernel_update.sh

Otherwise we have daily builds. (apt update/upgrade will pretty much do the same thing)… Jobs · BeagleV-Fire / BeagleV-Fire-ubuntu · GitLab


Hi Robert,
That worked well. Thanks for sharing.

I got the gateware and kernel updated :

$ cat /proc/device-tree/chosen/overlays/DEFAULT-CAPE-GATEWARE
$ uname -r

Thank you!

I believe the OP question is still open.

I would also very much like to know what configuration variant is used here…

Everything else under the sun has been discussed,
except how to actually configure wlan0.