Wifi wpa2-psk configuration

I can´t set up my wifi. I tried everything. I created a wifi.config on :



[service_home] Type = wifi Name = wifi_00027289a906_5245442d494e47454e4945524941_managed_psk Security = wpa2-psk Passphrase = 99c16922ba2e769197213d9aa613d42c958adbfc722873fe67ffefde25022fc2

I tried with plain text on ssid and passphrase.
Also “wpa” or “wpa2” on Security.

I manged to connect to a wpa with pass, but cant get wpa2 working.
I also edit wpa_supplicant.conf

any help?


I have never worked with conman. Is there any reason for using this software for managing the conections?
However i can try to help you if you use the interfaces files for the configuration.

Hi!, Im a noob so any help is great!.