Xenomai on BBB

I have seen on the internet different guides on using Xenomai with beagleboard… has anyone ever tried to compile xenomai on BBB w kernel 3.8?

Just grab the build scripts from github and type "./build_kernel.sh":


...or I have SD card images with the kernel and xenomai user-land
already installed and ready to run (along with LinuxCNC):


The BeagleBone 3.8.13 pre/post patch and required iPipe patches are all
in the latest Xenomai, which should be released Real Soon Now...mostly
waiting on some stuff from the 3.10 kernel, IIRC.

Credit to Robert C Nelson for the initial versions of the kernel and
image build scripts (also on github). THANKS!

Thank you very much!
This is very valuable help for me!


Hi Giuseppe !

Did you succeed installing Xenomai? I’am having troubles with it… Well I’m not an expert so I could do something wrong in the procedure / or don’t do something.

Here is what I did:

  1. I download the zip : https://github.com/yapatel/beagleboneblack-xenomai

  2. I execute the following script


  1. use eMMC patcher and put it to a microSD card

Install Kernel Image to SD card: (requires MMC set in system.sh)

  1. I execute the following script


What do I have to do to get Xenomai on my BBB? Did I miss something?