Banging my head against WiFi

that seems reasonable. thanks for all your thoughtful help Robert!

“useless complaints”? Was that really called for? I was trying to show empathy to what seemed to be a frustrated user.

For a first-time poster to these forums, I hope this is not representative of the level of civility one can expect.

Oh, don’t take everything so seriously. Robert has more patience than anyone I know and he has a lot of work on his plate so you need to provide details of your equipment, distro, kernel version, board version, what you have tried, the output of your console log, etc. It doesn’t help to say nothing works. The more details you provide, the quicker someone can respond with a solution.


Also try this one:


Thanks for the feedback - all good advice!

PaulM ( I guess ? )

You need to realize several things. First in this group the same questions get asked all the time. For which there have already been appropriate responses So searching the groups first should be what anyone needing answers should do.

Secondly, interjecting with what I could consider a very unhelpful response is not exactly helping the group, or you. A proper response to your post would be something like what Jesse Cobra responded with. “Well, it works for me”, and then nothing else.

Your response was a complain in my own eyes, and then perhaps an attempted insult comparing the Beagelbone with the rPI. So “useless complaint” fits the situation very well I think. This is a group for the Beaglebone black, not the rPI.

Also, the person you gave a hard time to ( Robert ) probably very well would have helped you if you gave more information, but the only thing you responded to was “useless complaint”. Not to mention he works very hard in this community, and appreciated my many. Myself included.

So keep these things in mind the next time you need help, and remember no one here gets paid to answer questions on this group.

so true. for my own part just want to say i’m sorry for my outburst of frustration and super thankful for anybody willing to try and help me. as an expert in a few things, i know how annoying it can be to help n00bs…but as a n00b in most things, i also know how infinitely helpful it can be. ;o)

fwiw i will do what i can to give back by putting my project up on in such a way that hopefully others can learn from it :slight_smile:

Thank you for taking the time to respond. All excellent points, and I will heed them all in the future.

this is awesome. with the HDMI disabled in uEnv.txt all my tiny ethernet adapters now work fast and consistently. we should make this fact somehow more visible, i feel.