I’d like to install the latest version of Ubuntu on my Beaglebone Black, but all the pre-configured images of SD Card I found in this page(BeagleBoardUbuntu - eLinux.org) are out of date and it shows 404NotFoud. How can I the latest ubuntu image?
I have a BBB (bought last week at Farnell’s so a recent one) and I’d like to use Python3. Do you advise to upgrade to ubuntu or just stick with Debian and install python3? (soory for the dumb question, newbie here)
Thank you. Then, if my image is old, which file do you suggest I should download from your folder ( Index of /rootfs) ? I’d like to flash the eMMC. Thanks again for your help…
I have tried to flash the eMMC of my BB Black, with no luck so far. Maybe I did something wrong?
I followed the instructions from here:
I downloaded the xz file from here, as you suggested in your previous answer
Then I decompressed it and flashed the image on a 4GB SD card (tried from Windows and Linux)
Then I pressed the Boot button and plugged the 5V supply (official 5V 2A)
But I never got the fancy user leds flashing (only the usual heartbeat from led0)
I tried this twice, copying the image on the SD card from Linux (sudo dd if=./BBB*.img of=/dev/sdX) or Windows (with Win32 disk imager), but both times I didn’t succeed, although this stage seemed fine both times.
The BBB is still running Debian 10 Buster version.
What did I do wrong? Can you help me flash the board correctly?
Thanks for your help
Hi, thank you for your answer
I only have the supply. I insert the SD card, hold the Boot button and plug the supply in, then release the button after a few seconds.
Actually, I have never tried to have both the supply and the USB cable connected at the same time, in case of any conflict… Is it safe?